
Answer: (i) there are 106 hens and (ii) 89 goats that the farmer has.

Answer: x = -1, 1/2 , 2/3 or -5/6

Answer: √11 – √7         

Answer: (7,5) , (-7,-5),(√2,-6√2),          (-√2,6√2)   (D)

Answer: x = 3/2  or 1.5

Answer: x = 1/2 and -3

Answer:  4x + 2y = 9

Answer:  x = 100  or  1/100

Answer: 16 km/hr  (C)

Answer: b – a + 1   (A)

Answers :  x values are 45° and 225°

Answer:  x  = 1  and 3

Answer: tan(α) = 5.838

Answer: x = 3.7073036756

Answers: (1/2, 1/3) , (-1/2 ,-1/3) , (1/3 , 1/2) and (-1/3 , -1/2)    (A)

Answer: x = 3  or 5/4

Answer:  k = 2/3  (C)

Answer: nth term = 2n + 19 , d = 2 and

T6 = 30

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