Plane And Circle Geometry | 260 Questions And Solutions.
This book includes 260 questions in ordinary and advanced mathematics. It extensively, covers areas in mathematics which includes: (i) Finding angles in the same segment And alternate segment (ii) Measuration of angle in semi-circle and tangent to a circle. (iii) Corresponding , alternate and vertical angles. (iv) Finding the radius, perimeter and area of circle, semi-circle, quarter and sector of a circle. (v) Geometrical problems involving angle and length measurations. (vi) Circumscribing plane shapes in a circle and semi-circle(Use to find the radius, area of a circle). (vii) Find the length of an arc of a circle, sector and semi-circle. (viii) Inscribing a plane shapes in a circle and semi-circle. (ix) Finding the length or area of inscribed or circumscribed shapes in a circle.
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Statistics | 250 Challenging Questions With Solutions.
This book included 250 questions in statistics. The areas which are widely treated in this textbook include : (i) Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Histogram And Frequency Histogram. (ii) Mean, Mode, Median And Range For Ungrouped And Grouped Data. (iii) Mean Deviation And Using Assume Mean. (iv) Variance And Standard Deviation. (v) Coefficient Of Variation and skewness.
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Trigonometry | 180 Comprehensive Questions And Solutions.
This textbook includes 180 comprehensive questions with solutions. It extensively covers trigonometric processes which includes:
*The relationship between trigonometry identities and numbers within a given interval in an equation. *The relationship between trigonometry identities and algebraic expressions within a given interval in an equation. *Simplification of trigonometric expressions. *Converting trigonometric expressions from sum to difference form or sum to product form and vice versa. *Inverse trigonometry involving equation or expression**Finding the required angle using a measuring shapes (triangles, trapezium, prism, pyramid, parallelogram, cube and cuboid). *bearing. *Solving trigonometric equation in a logarithmic and power form. *Finding the limit of trigonometric functions as tends to zero. *The prove of relationship between trigonometric expressions with algebraic expressions or with numbers. *Converting trigonometric identity from degree to surd form or to radian measure. *Finding the critical points of trigonometric functions. *Graphing a trigonometric functions.
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Pure And Advanced Mathematics | 220 Competitive Questions And Solutions.
This book included 220 questions in ordinary and advanced mathematics. It extensively, covers areas in mathematics which includes: (i) Exponential and Logarithmic Functions And Equations. (ii) Length And Area Of A Sector In Radian.(iii) Sequences And Series. (iv) Binary Operation. (v) Functions And Inverses. (vi) Inequalities And Sets. (vii) Equations of Circle, Tangent And Normal. (viii) Mid-point theorem, co-ordinate of points dividing the line in the ratio of p:1 (ix) Matrix (x) Mapping. (xi) Probabilities. (xii) Calculus And Applications. (xiii) Statistics. (xiv) Permutation And Combination. (xv) Vectors And Mechanics.
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Algebra And Arithmetic | 260 Competitive Questions And Solutions.
This book included 260 questions in ordinary and advanced mathematics. It extensively, covers areas in mathematics which includes: (i) Exponential, Surd, Radical and Logarithmic Functions And Equations. (ii) Probabilities.(iii) Numbers And Numerations. (iv) Algebraic Expressions And Equations. (v) Arithmetic Sequences And Series: Common Ratio, Term And Sum.(vi) Geometric Sequences And Series: Common Ratio, Trem And Sum. (vii) Polynomial Functions And Equations. (viii) Simplification (ix) Arithmetic Processes: Addition, Division, Multiplication And Order. (x) Set (xi) Solving Simultaneous Equations And Word Probñems. (xii) Rate, Ratio, Percentage And Proportion. (xiii) Linear And Non-Linear Inequalities. (xiv) Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Amount And Annuity. (xv) Graphs.
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Calculus | 230 Competitive Questions And Solutions.
This book included 230 questions in ordinary and advanced mathematics. It extensively, covers areas in mathematics which includes: (i) Differentiation from the first principle. (ii) Derivative Of Functions Involving Variables. (iii) Derivative Of Trigonometric Functions.(iv) Logarithmic And Natural Logarithmic Function Differentiations. (v) Implicit And Composite Derivative Of Functions And Equations.
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General Mathematics Practical Textbook| 230 Competitive Questions And Solutions.
This book included 230 questions in ordinary and advanced mathematics. It extensively, covers areas in mathematics which includes: (i) Differentiation from the first principle. (ii) Derivative Of Functions Involving Variables. (iii) Derivative Of Trigonometric Functions.(iv) Logarithmic And Natural Logarithmic Function Differentiations. (v) Implicit And Composite Derivative Of Functions And Equations.